
Hello! Welcome to my crafty blog! I update (usually) on a regular basis and include some of my favorite ideas and stories from my daily life.

September 5, 2012

Oh, DMV...how much I loathe you.

Today I went to the DMV for the 3rd time. This time with all the papers that I needed.
Apparently I also needed the car for which I was getting a new license for. However, I can't drive said car because the tags are 5 days expired. This is quite a pickle I'm in.
I suppose I'll head over tomorrow (again) and just take a chance with my car, since they need to do a VIN on it. Fun times.

I'm in the process of knitting my mom a pair of socks from yellow wool that I spun a while ago. I hope they turn out!

Happy crafting!

September 2, 2012

Hurricane Isaac

So that nasty hurricane finally reached us up in the mid-east U.S.
It's been raining non-stop for the past two days and will possibly rain all day tomorrow as well. :/
This isn't good for my plants outside. Luckily I was able to bring in my flowers under the patio. My other pot isn't so lucky... It's filled to the top with water. ;__; I had Lyeeche seeds growing in there. :<
I hope they live.

Anyways, just an update!
I also finally finished the socks for my dad that I was knitting for the past two weeks! Yay!
I'll upload pictures in a while. :)

Happy Crafting!