
Hello! Welcome to my crafty blog! I update (usually) on a regular basis and include some of my favorite ideas and stories from my daily life.

December 21, 2010

Hamster Tubes, Fish, and Lady Gaga Cookies.

Here's the hamster tube, fully finished. It took about an hour to make. Instead of the garter stitch (like I said I was going to do) , I used a rib pattern. It's about 6' around and 8' long.  

 Here are some gingerbread men/women I decorated. :P  (Right to left: Lady Gaga, Asian man, happy dude.) My Boyfriend told me to do the Asian one! I'm not racist! hahaha.

Over the weekend, I went to the Newport Aquarium with my boyfriend. It was fun, but really pricy ($22! for one ticket!). It isn't worth that much money because the place is so small, but we still had fun. :)

Scuba Santa and his elf assistant (who was fighting off the sharks with that candy cane pole).

Japanese Spider Crab. I wondered how they got them up to our atmosphere pressure level because these dudes live on the most bottom of the bottom of the sea.

A cute ray saying hello~

I had no idea what this fish was. Do any of you know?

Some cute Jellies~

This frog was adorable! He looks so squishy!

Some moon jellies.

Sea Turtle!

Japanese jellies.

An awkward fish with a snaggle tooth.

Cute little porcupine fish.

And this puffer fish had the tail of a mermaid! I've never seen one before!

Well I hope everyone has a good holiday! I'm off to the optometrist! ....gross.

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