
Hello! Welcome to my crafty blog! I update (usually) on a regular basis and include some of my favorite ideas and stories from my daily life.

February 16, 2012

School, Hobbies, Pets, and Dragon Ball Z.

So... school.  I'm not liking it right now, haha. I'm taking 20 credit hours (7 classes) because my advisor screwed me over.  She said I'd be fine with 15 hours each semester so far...until now. >: /  I'm also not liking this final graduation project. I have to write 20-25 pages over a topic I'm really not into.  It's jus way too complicated.

Hobbies!  I'm now earning to crochet! It's actually a lot simpler than knitting because every stitch you make you already fastened it off!- though I think knitted things look nicer.  And after knitting for over a year, I can basically make any kind of accessory/hat.  I still haven't tried making a sweater...I need to try that soon. :<

Pets!  So...I now have 3 snakes. :P  But I lost one of my hamsters, a mouse, several of my bettas, and my turtle. :'(

And DBZ-  My new re-found love. I really love re-living my childhood...plus I don't remember some things.
